Youth Evaluations

Are you – or is your child or teenager – noticing difficulties with paying attention in classes, following through on assignments, and getting your schoolwork organized?

  • Have you observed a decline in grades, and a general lack of motivation, particularly with regard to school work?
  • Do you spend too long on your reading, only to realize that you have not understood much of what you were reading?
  • Are you wondering if an accommodation of extended time would be appropriate for taking state-wide or national exams?

A comprehensive assessment of the concerns can help to identify the problem and to generate specific recommendations to help you deal with it as effectively and efficiently as possible.

Students are blamed for not getting organized, or for not working up to their potential, when in fact, they are already working as hard as they cam to accommodate for a specific learning difficulty.

I provide a comprehensive psychoeducational evaluation designed to clarify a child’s cognitive, academic, emotional, and social functioning. Using standardized clinical assessment instruments, behavioral observations and clinical expertise, I evaluate a child’s strengths and weaknesses and help parents and teachers map out a plan to help the child succeed. The evaluations result in parent and teacher-friendly written reports, including detailed suggestions for home, school and other interventions. I also provide ongoing support for families who are collaborating with teachers, and navigating their school’s special education process (e.g. 504/IEP’s).

Other services include:

  • Cognitive/Intellectual (IQ) Assessment
  • Academic Achievement Assessment
  • Personality Assessment
  • School Safety Evaluations
  • Assistance with Individualized Educational Program (IEP)/504 Process (Special Education)
  • Documentation of Need for Accommodations on Standardized Testing